How I Got Promoted Thanks to a Cheap Virtual Office in London

February 12, 2015

My boss always likes to challenge his employees. However, he's the kind of person who wants results once he assigns a task. His no nonsense and ruthless approach had seen him retain some of the best staff in the industry. His policy was quite simple, an employee who doesn't bring in the needed results doesn't need to get paid by my company. This is what saw his business rise to become one of the industry leaders. We still liked him because he paid handsomely for delivered results.

Although he had given me countless tasks which I delivered on to his satisfaction, I wasn't prepared for what he had in store for me. He had just arrived from meeting an overseas client in London when he summoned me to his office. He continued to brief me on how the European market was ripe and he wanted us to operate from London.

There was however one problem, our London operations were to be on a budget. I was tasked with finding the cheapest way to run operations in London within a week or, risk losing my job. He gave me the estimated budget which I thought was appalling. I didn't want to lose my job so I took this as a challenge.

My first step was doing a search on the rent rates and, average salaries of staff we'd need to hire for our London operations. The resulting figure was well over 20 times higher than the estimated budget. Not the one to give up, I contacted a high school friend who was working in Manchester. After pleasantries, I explained my problem.

He suggested a virtual office and continued to explain that it was the trend companies were following in order to cut costs. I've never been so grateful. Based on the budget, I decided to find a cheap virtual office in London. Amazingly, the cost of the virtual office was less than what my boss had budgeted. I made my presentation the next day to the delight of my boss. Not only did I retain my job, I also got a promotion. I'm now the company's chief adviser on overseas operations. 


Humidifier for Musical Instrument

August 18, 2014

     Maintaining a balance humidity level in your own home is important because, if your place is too dry, you may find a lot of complications like dry skin, dry throat, dry eyes. This occurrence can cause sickness. In addition, your house furniture will also suffer from dryness and cracks. If you are a musician and you have musical instruments that are made of wood such as violin, cello, guitar or piano, it is crucial to keep them as good as new. 

         Therefore, a humidifier will come in...

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Not Sure if It's a Vacuum Cleaner or a Chainsaw

April 25, 2013

Ever heard the scream of a broken chainsaw? That is exactly how my old vacuum cleaner sounded. My family and I had endured through the ear-piercing noise every time I cleaned the house, for almost a year until we finally could afford to replace it. Though what we bought is perhaps, just another simple electrical appliance for some people, at least for now; it is the best vacuum cleaner in my history.

After browsing through over almost a thousand vacuum cleaners, my husband and I finally decide...

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Samsung Baby Monitor

April 25, 2013

Samsung is one of the renowned electronics manufacturers in the world today. Their item ranges from cameras, smartphones, computer screens, and they even made washing machines. Their knowledge in making top quality digital display are one of the world most useful, so, they choose to produce their very own Samsung baby monitor. It is not surprising since they can even made their own LED televisions. Since that time, their baby screens are recommended and are presented in several baby monitor e...

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